So, yeah, 11 years ago…we did a thing.

It’s so crazy looking back and seeing I’ve been married for 11 years. While our big 10-year anniversary was more or less a dud to due to coronavirus, this year has been significantly better. There’s still a lot we really can’t do, but the optimism in the air is much stronger than it was last year around this time.
I’m glad I found someone I can stick with through the good times and bad. Most importantly, I’m glad I found someone I actually like. That’s super important – finding someone you like in addition to loving.
It’s so important to have a friendship and I think a lot of people don’t realize that. Sex, love, and beauty only go so far but it would be nice to have a conversation with someone. We can talk about. music, politics, and sports. I introduce Maks to new things and vice-versa. He truly completes me.
So, yeah, another year in the books. Pretty awesome I say. 🙂